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2. Amargosa Valley

Amargosa Valley

Amargosa Valley

2. Scranton (Amargosa Valley), Nevada

Scranton (Amargosa Valley): (elevation 2640 ft; 805 m) to Death Valley Junction 13 miles (21 km) 1-2 day


7.5 min maps: Leeland, East of Echo Cyn, Franklin Well, Death Valley Junction
1:100k maps: Beatty, Death Valley Junction


  • Amargosa Country Store (Martell Market) (775 372-5515 or 1133), 1775 West Amargosa Farm Road, Amargosa Valley, NV 89020). A gem of a general store with a wide variety of things you might need, friendly staff, and they cook up a really great burger... and, on some days, Chinese food. (8 am - 8 pm; call for extended hours) <>.

  • Ruby's Market and Restaurant (775 372-1118), 1578 Nevada Highway 373 Amargosa Valley, NV 89020 (8 am - 7:30 pm)

Amargosa Valley Medical Center, hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 6 pm, Fridays 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, (775 372-5432 or 800 787-2568); 845 East Farm Road, Amargosa Valley, NV 89020, <>. Family medicine, accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most private insurance, and offer a sliding-fee scale for patients without insurance. Appointments are recommended, walk-ins welcome.

US Post Office: 3830 East Sage Street, Amargosa Valley, NV 89020 (800 275-8777). Hours Mon-Fri 8:00am - 12:30pm, 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Closed on Saturday and Sunday.