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4. Shoshone

Crowbar Café and Saloon

4. Shoshone, California

Shoshone: (elevation 1585 ft; 483 m) to Tecopa Hot Springs (elevation 1339 ft; 408 m)
          8 mi (13 km); 1 short day

7.5 min maps: Shoshone, Resting Spring, Tecopa
1:100k map: Owlshead Mtn

Facilities: (All facilities are on State Highway 127 in central Shoshone) <>

  • Shoshone Village Office (760 852 4224)

  • Shoshone Inn and Vacation Rentals, (833-379-4335) (front desk hours 6 am - 10 pm)

  • Shoshone RV Park, and Campground (760 852-4569, 6 am - 10 pm)

  • Crowbar Cafe (760 852-4123) (8am - 9:30 pm, closed Tuesdays) (pdf menu available <>)

  • Charles Brown General Store (760 852-4406) (currently 9 am - 6 pm - call for latest hours)

  • Shoshone Museum (760 852-4524) (10 am - 3 pm)

  • Amargosa Conservancy (928 241-8947)

  • Friends of the Amargosa Basin (775-513-5065)

Death Valley Health Center (CLOSED).

Post Office, 113 Highway 127, Shoshone, CA 92384 (800 275-8777) (8 am - 12 noon, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm M - F; last collection 12 noon Monday - Saturday)