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3. Death Valley Jct

Amargosa Hotel and Opera House

3. Death Valley Junction, California

Death Valley Junction (elevation 2041 ft; 622 m) to Shoshone (elevation 1585 ft; 483 m)
             29 miles (47 km); 2 days


7.5 min maps: Death Valley Junction, West of Eagle Mtn, Eagle Mtn, East of Deadman Pass, Resting Spring, Shoshone
1:100k maps: Death Valley Junction, Owlshead Mtn;

Facilities: Amargosa Opera House, Hotel, and Cafe (760 852-4441 - call for information, reservations recommended) 608 Death Valley Junction (Hwy 190 at Hwy 127), front desk open 8 am - 8 pm <>. (hotel open, cafe and opera house closed for summer)