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10. Furnace Creek

End of the Hike! (Laurie Naiman, 2007)

Furnace Creek, Death Valley, CA

Badwater (elevation -282 ft; -86 m) to Furnace Creek (elevation -190 ft; -58 m)
                 17 miles (27 km); 1-2 days

7.5 min maps: Badwater, Devils Golf Course
!:100k maps: Death Valley Junction


  • Camping at several National Park Service Campgrounds (Furnace Creek, Sunset, and Texas Springs, reservations recommended, 760 786-3200)

  • Accommodations are available at the Furnace Creek Ranch and Inn {reservations recommended}, (760 786-2345).

  • General Store & Pro Shop (760 786-2345) 7am - 8 pm

  • Restaurants Furnace Creek Inn (reservations required 760 786-3385); Ranch 1849 Buffet, Last Kind Words Saloon, and The 19th Hole (seasonal hours, call for information (760 786-2345)

  • Visitor Center, National Park Service, Death Valley, (760 786-3280).

  • Post Office, 328 Greenland Ranch Road, Death Valley, CA 92328 (800 275-8777) 8 am - 1 pm, 1:30 - 4 pm - closed Sat & Sun)