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1. Beatty

1. BEATTY.jpg

The Beatty Museum and Historical Society

 1. Beatty, Nevada

Beatty (elevation 3307 ft; 1008 m) to Amargosa Valley (Scranton, elevation 2640 ft; 805 m))
            39 miles (63 km); 3-4 days


7.5 min maps: Beatty, Gold Center, Carrara Cyn, Ashton, Big Dune, Leeland
1:100k map: Beatty


  • Stage Coach Hotel (775 553-2419) 900 East U.S. Highway 95 North, Beatty, NV 89003

  • Exchange Club Motel (775-553-2333) 119 West Main Street, Beatty, NV 89003

  • El Portal Motel (775 553-2912) <> 420 West Main St, Beatty, NV 89003

  • Motel 6 (775 553-9090) 550 U.S. Highway 95 North, Beatty, NV 89003

  • Atomic Inn {formerly Phoenix Inn} (775 553-2250) 350 S First Street, Beatty, NV 89003 <>

  • Death Valley Inn & RV Park (775 553-9400) 651 U.S. Highway 95 South, Beatty, NV 89003 <>

  • Shady Lady Bed & Breakfast (775 553-2500) Hwy 95 N Marker 92, Beatty, NV 89003 (open in spite of Yelp notice)


  • Denny's {at Stage Coach Hotel} (775 553-9942) 900 Hwy 95 North, Beatty, NV 89003 (open 24 hours)

  • Mel's Diner (775 553-9003) 600 US-95, Beatty, NV 89003 (6 am - 1 pm)

  • KC's Outpost Eatery & Saloon (775 553-9175) 100 E Main, Beatty, NV 89003 (10 am - 10 pm, closed Wednesdays)

  • Happy Burro Chili and Beer (775 553-9099) 100 Main St, Beatty, NV 89003 (10 am - 10 pm)

  • Gema's Wagon Wheel Cafe and Espresso (775 385-9967) 101 South 2nd Street, Beatty, NV 89003 (7 am - 2 pm)

  • VFW Beatty John Strozzi Post 12108 (775 533-9312) 300 W. Main Street, Beatty, NV (12-10 pm, closed Sun & Mon) <>

Beatty Medical Clinic,  250 South Irving Street, Beatty, NV 89003, Monday - Friday; 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (775 553-9111). (Call for doctor’s hours and telemedicine appointments are available)

Post Office, 600 East Highway. 95, Beatty, NV 89003 (800 275-8777), Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm