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5. Tecopa

Grimshaw Lake After a Heavy Rain, Tecopa, CA (Laurie Naiman, 2010)

5. Tecopa Hot Springs, California

Tecopa Hot Springs (elevation 1339 ft; 408 m) to Amargosa Canyon (Sperry, elevation 846 ft; 258 m)
              13 miles (34 km); 1 day

7.5 min maps: Tecopa, Dumont Dunes
1:100k map: Owlshead Mtn


  • Tecopa Hot Springs Resort and Tecopa Basin Artists Group gallery, (760 852-4420) Hot springs, motel rooms, 860 Tecopa Hot Springs Road, Tecopa, CA 92389

  • Cynthia's Safaris, (760 852-4580) 2001 Old Spanish Trail Highway, Tecopa, CA 92389

  • Tecopa Hot Springs and Campground (Hurlbut/Rook County Park), hot springs, cabins, and store (760 852-4420), 400 Tecopa Hot Springs Rd, Tecopa, CA 92389

  • Post Office (800 275-8777) 101 Old Spanish Trail Highway, Tecopa, CA 92389 (8 am - 12 noon, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm M - F; (last collection 1:30 pm M - Sa)

  • The Bistro, 860 Tecopa Hot Springs Road, Tecopa, CA 92389, (hours vary, email for information, <>)

  • Steaks and Beer (702 334-3431) 79 Old Spanish Trail Road, Tecopa CA 92389, (5 pm - 10 pm, closed Wednesdays)

  • Tecopa Brewing Company and BBQ (760 852-4343) 420 Tecopa Hot Springs Road, Tecopa, CA 92389 (3 pm - 9 pm Thursdays, 12 pm - 9 pm Friday to Sunday, 12 pm - 9 pm Monday, closed Tuesday & Wednesday) <>

At the Acme siding in the Amargosa Canyon (about 5 miles south of the Tecopa Post Office), there is a one-mile side trail up Willow Creek to

  • China Ranch Date Farm and Bakery (gift shop with date bread, cookies, snack items, and delicious date shakes, 760 852-4415) ( 9 am - 5 pm daily), From Highway 127, approximately 5 miles south of Shoshone, turn left onto Tecopa Hot Springs Road. At Old Spanish Trail Highway, turn left again. Go east on Old Spanish Trail Highway to Furnace Creek Road, turn right. Follow the signs to China Ranch.